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Urban Cooling

Zero to Multiple 7-Figure Revenue in Just 5 Years.

Urban Cooling had a premium niche product but struggled with lead generation and customer acquisition due to its limited brand presence in a highly competitive marketplace.

By implementing a multi-channel marketing campaign, we quickly built brand awareness in their market and raised online visibility. To further the impact of our campaigns, we designed, built and scaled a sophisticated CRM system that supported the increased volume of new leads and customers.

Other marketing agencies will give you sales talk but fail to deliver. The Digital Stride have repeatedly delivered year on year, meaning that we are constantly growing to keep up with the leads coming in. Their service exemplifies quality, professionalism, and fresh thinking.

Tony Ellerker
Urban Cooling


Urban Cooling had the following objectives:

  1. Generate high-quality leads through the website
  2. Evolve the brand identity and then build awareness in the market
  3. Increase visibility in the search engines


Establish a Sales Funnel: We selected digital channels that aligned with their target audience for cost-effective reach and maximum engagement. We built a sales funnel that targeted potential customers at each stage of the buying journey, guiding them from initial engagement with the brand through to enquiry and on to become a sales-qualified lead that Urban Cooling’s sales could then convert.

Educate Target Audience: We engaged the target audience using persuasive and educational content—posts, blogs, useful articles, videos, and guides. This strategy actively engaged website visitors, who would then enquire about the products on our tailored landing pages.

Nurture Leads to Conversion: We used email marketing to nurture the leads during the buying journey. We created automated email sequences to deliver valuable advice and product information that built trust and strengthened Urban Cooling’s credibility until the prospect was ready to purchase.


Multiple 7-Figure Revenue by Year 5

Since starting work with Urban Cooling, we’ve consistently grown their business year-on-year—from zero in year 1 to multiple seven-figure revenue by year 5.

0% Market Share to Market Leader

Before we started, Urban Cooling was relatively unknown in the market. Today, they are the market leader in water-cooled air conditioning for apartments and listed buildings, with over 225 glowing reviews and a stellar 4.8/5 Google rating, solidifying their reputation for excellence and reliability.

50.9% Increase in Revenue

In 2023, we helped Urban Cooling achieve a 50.9% revenue increase over the previous year by generating an average of over 200 leads per month.


To consistently generate high-quality leads, we guided the target audience through a tailored sales funnel, delivering value through content marketing on multiple channels. This strategy established a reliable conversion pipeline.

The Next Stride

Over the last five years, we have supported Urban Cooling to become a leader within their market. Building on this success, we are working in partnership to further solidify their positioning by implementing innovative strategies that expand their reach into new markets, ensuring sustained growth and continued excellence.