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Ben McAdam
September 16, 2024
Ben’s Second Month as a Junior Digital Marketer at The Digital Stride
In his second month at The Digital Stride, Ben has developed his skills in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Social Media Marketing. Working on SEO content creation, competitor analysis and keyword improvements. Ben also created an organic social media proposal and managed a paid campaign budget.

My second month at The Digital Stride has been just as rewarding as the first, with a particular focus on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Paid Social Media Marketing. The range of projects I’ve been involved in has given me the opportunity to expand my skill set and think more strategically. I’m excited to share my experiences and key takeaways from this past month.

SEO Content Creation and Optimisation

This month, I had the privilege of working on SEO content for a variety of clients. Each project brought a different topic and industry, challenging me to adapt my writing style and optimise the content for each client’s unique goals. The diversity in topics has been a fantastic way to sharpen my ability to think outside the box, ensuring that every piece not only reflects the client’s brand but also performs at its best in terms of SEO. Tailoring content to boost performance has become a skill I’m continuing to refine, and the results have been incredibly satisfying.

Beyond content creation, I’ve delved deeper into SEO optimisations. I spent time conducting competitor research and analysing backlink profiles, which has been a particularly interesting and rewarding aspect of the experience. Gaining insights into what competitors are doing and how our clients can improve their SEO performance has given me a more strategic understanding of the field. In addition, I’ve learned a lot about technical SEO, diving into the intricacies of this field and exploring new ways to enhance our clients’ digital presence.

Something I am particularly proud of is successfully moving a keyword, for one of our clients, from position 100 to position 7 through SEO driven content and optimisations. This highlights the power of keyword research and optimisation in boosting search visibility and driving results.

Organic Social Media Focus

I have also had the opportunity to develop a proposal for an organic social media campaign for a client, which was a valuable learning experience. I focused on key elements such as defining the objectives, target audience and content strategy to drive engagement. A key part of the proposal was demonstrating the potential of organic social media to build long-term brand loyalty and visibility without full reliance on paid ads.

In addition, I created visual templates to show how the client's social media pages would look, ensuring a cohesive brand aesthetic, and developed a detailed content schedule to maintain consistent posting. This experience helped me sharpen my skills in building and presenting effective, strategic social media plans.

Paid Social Media Campaign Management

One of the most hands-on experiences this month has been managing the budget for one of our clients’ paid social media campaigns. This involved analysing the expected budget spend, cost-per-result (CPR), and overall performance metrics to ensure that our client’s marketing spend delivers optimal results. It’s been a challenging yet exciting responsibility, as I’ve had to apply both creativity and analytical thinking to determine the best structure for the budget.

In addition to budgeting, I also worked on new ad creative for these campaigns. Designing ads and tracking their performance has been a valuable experience. I’m particularly proud of the new ad creative, which I believe will enhance the results further by engaging the target audience more effectively.

Learning and Problem Solving

Overall, this month has provided me with valuable experiences. I’ve learned a great deal by actively solving problems and coming up with innovative solutions for our clients. Each challenge has been an opportunity to grow, and I’m excited to continue building my expertise in SEO and Paid Social Media Marketing.

As I move into my third month, I aim to deepen my understanding of both organic and paid social strategies while continuing to improve my SEO skills. I’m grateful for the support and mentorship from the team at The Digital Stride and I am eager to see what the next month brings.

Jack Hancock
September 12, 2024
Diving Deeper: My Second Month as a Junior Digital Marketer at The Digital Stride
Jack reflects on his second month as a Junior Digital Marketer at The Digital Stride. It's been a month packed full of learning, challenging tasks, and valuable experiences, which have offered eye-opening insights into the world of digital marketing. Highlights have included a weekly mentoring session with Pete, our strategic director and co-owner, which has been highly informative.

As I wrap up my second month as a Junior Digital Marketer at The Digital Stride, I'm amazed at how much I've learned and grown in such a short time. This month has been filled with valuable experiences, challenging tasks, and further eye-opening insights into the world of digital marketing.

Mentorship and Learning

One of the highlights of this month has been the introduction of weekly sessions with our strategic director and co-owner, Pete. With his master's in psychology and extensive industry experience, Pete has been an invaluable mentor. These sessions have significantly enhanced my understanding of fundamental marketing principles, adding important context to Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing. Pete's psychological aspects of marketing have given me a unique perspective on how to craft more effective campaigns.

Furthermore, I completed the "Paid Traffic Mastery" course offered by Digital Marketer. This comprehensive course has equipped me with a solid foundation in paid traffic strategies. I'm excited to share what I've learned with my colleagues through an upcoming presentation, focusing on the key insights I found most valuable.

Enhancing Display Campaigns

One of my main tasks this month was to identify scripts that could enhance our display campaigns. After thorough research, I successfully implemented a script for automatic placement exclusions. The real challenge was adapting this script to align with our campaign goals. This experience taught me the importance of not just finding tools but adapting them to fit specific needs. The benefit of this implementation is more efficient campaigns with reduced wasted spend on irrelevant placements.

Keyword Research

Keyword research has been another crucial area of focus. Our client, a leader in the macerator market, is looking to introduce new products. This task required me to dive deep into the industry, understand the target audience, and identify potential search terms that could drive qualified traffic. This research will be instrumental in ensuring a strong market entry for these new products.

Improving Ad Copy

Continuing from last month's efforts, I've been working on improving our ad copy. By replacing underperforming ads with fresh, more compelling content, we expect an uptick in click-through rates. This ongoing process of testing and refining ad copy has shown me the dynamic nature of digital marketing and the importance of continual optimisation.

New Market Opportunities

A new challenge I've taken on is exploring opportunities for our client in the bathroom market. This involves analysing previous Microsoft Ads campaigns and assessing their potential for translation to Google Ads. It's a complex task that requires careful consideration of platform differences and product-market fit. This project has broadened my understanding of cross-platform marketing strategies and the nuances of different advertising ecosystems.

Challenges and Growth

While this month has been filled with successes, it hasn't been without its challenges. Balancing multiple projects and learning new concepts simultaneously has tested my time management abilities. However, challenges have been invaluable learning experiences, pushing me to grow both professionally and personally.

Reflection and Future Outlook

As I reflect on this month, I'm struck by how much more confident I feel in my role. The hands-on experience I'm gaining at The Digital Stride is proving to be an excellent complement to my theoretical knowledge. I'm learning that digital marketing is as much about creativity and adaptability as it is about technical skills and data analysis.

Looking forward, I'm keen to delve deeper into the psychological aspects of marketing that Pete has introduced. I believe this will give me a unique edge in crafting more effective campaigns.

This internship is not just teaching me about digital marketing; it's showing me the importance of continuous learning, adaptability, and the power of mentorship in professional growth. As I move into my third month, I'm more motivated than ever to take on new challenges and contribute to The Digital Stride's success.

Ben McAdam
August 20, 2024
Ben’s journey as a Junior Digital Marketer: One Month at The Digital Stride
In his first month as a Junior Digital Marketer at The Digital Stride, Ben has experienced a wealth of learning opportunities, particularly in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Social Media Marketing. He's completed various digital marketing certifications, including Google Analytics 4 and Digital Marketer's mastery courses. Take a look at what else Ben's been up to here.

My first month as a Junior Digital Marketer at The Digital Stride has been filled with many learning experiences. With a focus on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Social Media Marketing, this first month has laid a strong foundation for my development in the digital marketing space and I am excited to share some of my progress and the lessons I’ve learnt so far.

Firstly, I have immersed myself in a variety of digital marketing courses and certifications. This includes the Google Analytics 4 (GA4) certification in the Google Skillshop. I have also completed Digital Marketer’s mastery courses in Social Media, Content Marketing, Search Marketing and Digital Marketing. These certifications have not only broadened my understanding of the industry but also provided me with knowledge in specific areas where I would like to specialise in the future. 

One of my highlights so far at The Digital Stride has been working on many different SEO campaigns. With direction from Steve and Dave, I was able to optimise different pieces of content to fit the unique needs of each client whilst also ensuring optimisation for SEO purposes. Each project brings a new topic to explore and for anyone considering a career in this field, especially within an agency, the diversity of work is something that makes each day more and more exciting. 

My role at The Digital Stride has also involved managing social media campaigns across platforms such as Meta. Initially, the complexity of tools like Meta Business Manager felt overwhelming. However, with the support and guidance of Simon, I quickly got up to speed. His mentorship, along with the collaborative environment at The Digital Stride, has been key in helping me navigate the challenges of social media marketing, particularly in optimising campaigns to achieve the lowest cost-per-result (CPR).

In addition to practical experiences, I’ve gained proficiency in essential digital marketing tools such as SEMrush. This tool has proven very useful, aiding in content creation, keyword research and position tracking, enabling me to deliver more accurate and optimised content and SEO strategies.

I’ve also been entrusted with working on the The Digital Stride Instagram account, which is currently undergoing a rebranding process. This responsibility has allowed me to plan and implement strategies that will shape the brand’s future presence on social media.

Reflecting on my first month at The Digital Stride, I’m proud of the progress I’ve made and excited for the journey ahead. The combination of structured learning, real world application and the supportive team environment has made this experience both enriching and educational. 

Over the next month I hope to hone in on what I have learnt in this first month and become a more complete digital marketer, helping the team with SEO campaigns, social media management and providing insight on new ideas where possible. 

Amy Eburne
August 7, 2024
Goodbye Miromedia, Hello The Digital Stride: The Rebrand
After 22 years of the iconic blue and white themed Miro logo, this summer we announced the launch of our refreshed look and brand name: The Digital Stride. As of June 2024, Miromedia was rebranded into The Digital Stride, better reflecting how the business has grown into a forward-thinking agency, delivering unique solutions for our clients.

Why The Digital Stride?

Choosing the name for our rebrand was truly a collaborative process, with the whole team involved. We considered our culture, what we deliver, our ethos, and who we are.

All of which led us to understand the following about ourselves as a team as we;

  • Seek to understand
  • Track and measure
  • use Research-based strategy
  • Innovate and implement
  • make Data-driven optimisations
  • Elevate performance

Leading to the very apt name, The Digital Stride! Whilst we’ve always followed these principles in practice, we’re now able to showcase these through our name, branding and new website.

As a team of skilled and experienced specialists, we really do STRIDE with our delivery for clients, so there’s no greater word for it.

You can learn more about what STRIDE means to us and our STRIDE Methodology™ here.

Who makes up the team?

On top of the rebrand of our name, we have also seen some changes in our team too.

Ian and Pete are now joined by Steve and Simon as Directors of The Digital Stride, leading the direction of the new Digital Stride.

Steve will continue with new business and directing the SEO team and Simon will continue as the operational lead.

We have also widened our team with two new junior digital marketers coming on board for the summer, Jack and Ben.

A big part of who we are is that we love to learn and share our learnings to keep the team and our clients up to date with the latest industry news and insights.

So it’s only apt that we continue to do so by giving training and experience to new team members to help them learn and develop in the best way possible.

Will Miromedia ever be used again?

You may see our old ‘Miro’ name from time to time as our legal name is still Miromedia for now.

If you’re an existing client, you can continue to expect the same fantastic service and great results under our new name. 

Whilst Miro has been our foundation, The Digital Stride represents who we are now and how we deliver solutions to help develop and grow our clients.

Jack Hancock
August 1, 2024
Jack's July Journey: A Month of Growth and Learning as a Junior Digital Marketer
Jack, a Junior Digital Marketer at The Digital Stride, shares his experiences from his first month at the company, focusing on Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. Under the guidance of Senior PPC Manager Amy, Jack has gained proficiency in Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and Google Analytics 4, complementing his hands-on training with certifications and courses. Find out more about his experiences here.

Hello there! I'm Jack, a Junior Digital Marketer at The Digital Stride (TDS) with a focus on Pay-per-click (PPC). My journey began on July 1st 2024 and have had the privilege of working closely with Amy, our Senior PPC Manager, who is guiding me through this exciting journey. I'm documenting my journey at TDS over the coming months, sharing the growth and learning experiences along the way.

From day one, I immersed myself in the world of Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and Google Analytics 4, becoming proficient in these platforms. Through Google Skillshop certifications in Search Ads, AI-powered Shopping Ads, Display Ads, Video Ads, and Google Analytics 4 (GA4), I’ve gained a deeper understanding of creating and optimising campaigns, leveraging data-driven insights, and effectively targeting audiences.

Additionally, I have begun studying the ‘Paid Traffic Mastery’ course from Digital Marketer. My goal for this course is to provide me with advanced techniques for driving traffic and maximising Return on Investment (ROI). This complements the hands-on training I'm receiving from Amy, blending theoretical knowledge with practical application. The combination of structured learning and real-world experience has boosted my confidence and proficiency in managing PPC campaigns.

My primary focus has been on the processes we follow to optimise our campaigns, ensuring top performance for our clients. Despite limited experience at the start, I already have a much deeper understanding of paid traffic and how to execute essential optimisation processes, such as search query reviews, and ad copy reviews. The entire team has been instrumental in my development, and I've gained valuable insights from each member.

My proudest moments this month involved improving our campaigns by adjusting bids, replacing underperforming ad copy, and identifying new keywords to target. Amy welcomed my suggestions and, after discussing the thought processes behind them, agreed to implement many of them. Team collaboration has allowed me to deliver high-quality work and contribute positively to our clients' success - an essential asset at The Digital Stride.

However, challenges were not absent. Once, while analysing conversions year-on-year, I encountered data gaps due to factors beyond our control. This obstacle prompted me to seek guidance from Amy, who steered me toward the next steps to take. The team's assistance during times of challenge has been crucial in helping me along my development path. From this experience, I learned the importance of seeking advice from seasoned professionals who can offer valuable insights and help you find solutions.

As I move forward, I'm excited to be more involved in campaigns and witness the positive impact of my suggestions on our clients' businesses. Making a positive difference is crucial to me, and I'm eager to further develop my skills in paid search and refine my optimisation processes.

My month at Digital Stride has been both enriching and educational, and filled with significant learning and growth. Collaborating with such a supportive team has been incredibly rewarding. The key takeaway for this month is that, at The Digital Stride, we all work collectively to ensure we achieve the best possible results for our clients.

I'm excited to share more updates as I continue to explore and indulge in the world of digital marketing.

Emma Mitchell
July 26, 2024
Understanding Conversational Marketing.
Conversational marketing focuses on real-time, personalised customer interactions via chatbots and messaging apps, enhancing engagement and satisfaction compared to traditional broad messaging. It provides immediate responses, valuable insights, and scalable solutions through AI-powered tools. This article explores its distinctions, benefits, and key tools in detail.

Conversational marketing is a new approach to engaging with customers that encourages real-time, one-on-one conversations to build more personalised relationships and drive sales. Unlike traditional marketing, which often relies on broad messages sent to large audiences, conversational marketing focuses on personalised interactions, typically initiated by the customer through chatbots, messaging apps, and live chat.

The goal is to provide immediate, personalised responses to customer enquiries, creating a more engaging and satisfying user experience.

How Does It Differ from Traditional Marketing?

Personalisation vs. Broad Messaging:
Traditional Marketing

Uses mass communication strategies like TV ads, email blasts, and print media to reach a wide audience. The message is often generic and aimed at appealing to as many people as possible.

Conversational Marketing

Focuses on personalised interactions. Each conversation is tailored to the individual’s needs and preferences, making the experience more relevant and engaging.

Real-Time Interaction vs. Scheduled Campaigns:
Traditional Marketing:

Involves pre-planned campaigns that are launched according to a schedule. Customer feedback and interaction typically happen later, if at all.

Conversational Marketing:

Occurs in real-time, allowing immediate responses to customer questions and concerns. This instant interaction helps build trust and rapport quickly.

Customer-Centric vs. Product-Centric:
Traditional Marketing

Often focuses on promoting products or services, highlighting features and benefits in a one-way communication style.

Conversational Marketing

Centers around the customer, aiming to understand their needs and provide solutions through meaningful dialogue.

Benefits of Conversational Marketing

Enhanced Customer Experience

Conversational marketing makes customers feel valued and understood by offering real-time, personalised responses. This leads to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Increased Engagement

Interactive conversations keep customers engaged longer than static adverts. This deeper engagement can lead to higher conversion rates.

Better Insights

Direct conversations provide valuable insights into customer preferences, pain points, and behaviour. This data can inform future marketing strategies and product development.

Improved Lead Generation

Chatbots and live chat tools can qualify leads by asking relevant questions and gathering information. This helps sales teams focus on high-quality leads, improving efficiency.


With the help of AI-powered chatbots, businesses can handle thousands of conversations simultaneously without compromising on the quality of interaction. This makes it possible to offer personalised service at scale.

Examples of Conversational Marketing Tools


Automated programs that can simulate human conversation, answer FAQs, and guide users through processes.

Live Chat

Real-time text-based interaction with a human representative, providing immediate assistance to website visitors.

Messaging Apps

Platforms like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp where businesses can interact with customers in a familiar, convenient setting.

Voice Assistants

Tools like Amazon’s Alexa or Google Assistant enable voice-based interactions, making it easy for users to get information hands-free.


Conversational marketing represents a shift towards more interactive, customer-centric communication. By focusing on real-time, personalised conversations, businesses can enhance the customer experience, gain valuable insights, and drive more effective engagement. 

As technology continues to evolve, the potential for conversational marketing will only grow, offering brands even more ways to connect with their audience.

Ian Hancock
July 24, 2024
The Top 5 Benefits of SEO: Why Your Business Needs It.
Discover the transformative power of SEO for your business. From enhancing visibility and credibility to driving more traffic and improving user experience, delve into the top five benefits of SEO and learn why it's an essential strategy for any company looking to succeed in today's digital landscape.

In the digital age, where the internet is the primary source of information for millions, ensuring your business has a strong online presence is crucial. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a powerful tool that can significantly boost your visibility, credibility, and overall success. Here are the top five benefits of SEO and why it's essential for your business.

1. Enhanced Visibility and Higher Rankings

One of the primary benefits of SEO is improved visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). When potential customers search for products or services related to your business, you want to appear as high as possible in the results. A high ranking increases the likelihood that users will visit your website over a competitor's.

SEO involves optimising your website's content, structure, and performance to make it more appealing to search engines like Google. By using targeted keywords, creating high-quality content, and ensuring your site is user-friendly, you can improve your ranking and increase your visibility to potential customers.

2. Increased Web Traffic

Higher visibility and better rankings naturally lead to increased web traffic. When your site appears on the first page of search results, it is more likely to receive clicks. This influx of visitors can significantly boost your business, leading to more inquiries, sales, or other desired actions.

SEO is not just about attracting any traffic; it focuses on bringing in quality traffic that is more likely to convert into customers. By targeting specific keywords and optimising your site for relevant searches, you attract users who are actively looking for what you offer, increasing the chances of conversion.

3. Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to traditional marketing methods, SEO is incredibly cost-effective. While there is an initial investment in optimising your website and creating content, the long-term benefits far outweigh these costs. Unlike paid advertising, where visibility ends as soon as you stop paying, SEO provides ongoing results.

Investing in SEO is like planting a tree: it requires time and effort upfront, but once it starts growing, it continues to yield benefits with minimal ongoing costs. This makes SEO an excellent long-term marketing strategy, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses with limited budgets.

4. Improved User Experience

A significant part of SEO involves enhancing the user experience on your website. Search engines favour sites that offer a seamless, engaging experience, so optimising for SEO often means improving your site's speed, navigation, and mobile-friendliness.

A well-optimised website is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and is accessible on all devices. This not only pleases search engines but also provides a better experience for your visitors. A positive user experience encourages visitors to stay longer, explore more pages, and ultimately take the desired action, whether it's making a purchase, filling out a form, or signing up for a newsletter.

5. Building Credibility and Trust

Appearing on the first page of search results conveys credibility and trust to users. Most users trust search engines to provide them with the best results, and if your site appears among the top results, it signals that you are a reputable and reliable source.

SEO also involves creating high-quality, authoritative content that provides real value to your audience. By consistently offering useful information, answering questions, and addressing the needs of your customers, you build trust and establish your brand as an authority in your industry.

In conclusion, SEO offers numerous benefits that can transform your business's online presence. From enhanced visibility and increased web traffic to cost-effective marketing, improved user experience, and building credibility and trust, SEO is an essential strategy for any business looking to thrive in the digital age. By investing in SEO, you are investing in the long-term success and growth of your business. Don't miss out on the opportunities that SEO can bring—start optimising your website today and reap the rewards for years to come.